Monday Challenge 10/26 – 11/07

Here are this week’s challenges! Remember, these challenges are now posted every two weeks. If you are curious about this challenge and want to know more/participate, please read this first.

Challenge for writers, by Bonet Graphic Designs

This time, you get to choose the story genre! Simply start your 500-1,500 word story with one of the following story starters:

1. Her name was Lily, but the villagers only knew her as The Captain…

2. The tile slipped and landed with a crash…

3. It was karaoke night…

Keep it PG please! PG-13 is okay too.

Challenge for graphic designers, by Prisca

An oxymoron is when two contradictory terms are combined to create meaning. Shakespeare used them quite frequently: “heavy lightness”, “sweet sorrow”, “bright smoke”, “cold fire”, etc. You can choose one of these oxymorons or create one of your own and design an image that represents that oxymoron and is obvious to anyone who stops to look and think about it. (I’m thinking like the popular image of a screw and a baseball…something like that but with oxymorons).

Keep it PG please! PG-13 is okay too.

Have fun!

Remember to post your story/design or link no later than Saturday 11/07/09 by 11:59 pm. If you want me to post it for you, please e-mail it to me before the deadline!
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